Saturday, January 24, 2015



When the primary shapes (circle, triangle, and square) are extended or rotated, they become primary solids that have volume and form. Usually we think of the term “solid” to mean density or substance, however in this context, the term refers to three-dimensional geometric form.

A circle becomes a cylinder or sphere, a triangle becomes a cone or a pyramid, and a square becomes a cube.

See below a diagrammatic example of a circle becoming a cylinder:
Below is an example of this applied to architecture:
Photo: Holtzman, Philip. The Westhafen Tower. (2009). Frankfurt, Germany.
Overlay: Mine


Dimensional transformation occurs when a primary solid is transformed into another form by altering the dimensions of it. However, it still keeps its identity to its primary solid.

In the diagrammatic example below, the length of the width in diameter of the sphere lengthens, creating an egg-like shape. 
We see this occur in architecture as well:
Photo: Del Sol, Danielle. The James Law Cybertecture Egg. (2011). Mumbai, India.
Overlay: Mine


When a primary form is cut off or hidden from our view, our eyes still perceive it as a primary form because we are able to fill in what is missing. We see the form as an incomplete whole. These forms are called subtractive forms.

See below a diagrammatic example of a subtractive form:
There is a rectangular prism cut out of the cube so the eyes perceive it as a partial whole.

We see this occur in architecture and interior spaces. See below an image of a front porch that is a rectangular prism but is cut out. However, we still perceive it as a whole rectangular prism.

Photo: Looper, Anna. Craftsman Front Porch. (2008). North Caroline.
Overlay: Mine


A form that is created by the accumulation of one or more secondary forms with a central form is called an additive form. Additive forms can be formed by physically attaching different forms together or just by relating forms to each other that are clustered together but don’t actually touch.

There are many different ways that an additive form can be characterized such as a centralized form, linear form, radial form, clustered form, or grid form. Below is a diagrammatic example of an additive form characterized as being a linear form because the forms are added together linearly.

Below is an example of a building that is an additive form:
Photo: Dawson & Clinton. Jackson Street. (2014). San Francisco, California. 
Overlay: Mine


When two forms that differ in geometry come together to create a blended form of the two, it is called formal collision of geometry.

See below a diagrammatic example of a formal collision of geometry with a triangle and rectangle.
See below an example of this happening with a condominium building:
Photo: Morimoto, Hiramitsu. New Home. (2014). Poland.
Overlay: Mine


  1. Love, Love, Love, the Diagrams! Not only do you visually show us the described form you also show us the process and describe it perfectly in words. Everything is clear, concise, and very understandable.

  2. You did a great job explaining everything in a way that is easy to understand! I really like the colorful diagrams too, it makes them much more interesting : )

  3. Tinsley, I love your diagrams. They are so colorful, yet easy to understand. :)

    -Danielle Dean

  4. I really like your images that you choose for each terms. They actually helps a lot for me to visualize each terms. Overall is very well-organized!

  5. Your visuals and explanations were all very thorough and easy to understand. I really like the images you chose and thought they helped explain what you were saying nicely! Nice job Cat!

  6. All of your information was extremely clear and to the point. The images you used for your example were creative and different but still very clear. I also really like the layout and theme of your blog!

  7. Hey Tinsley,
    Great post! I really liked all your photos they were great examples for each term. I also really like your blog layout and background!
