Friday, January 16, 2015

My Design Philosophy

I find that the most beautiful designs come from our natural environment. To me, the forms are more organic, the colors are richer, and everything feels like it’s in its place. I feel that bringing natural elements into our built environment can help make a space more comforting, calming, and peaceful. Being in a space that comforts you enhances who you are and brings out the best in you. I am my best self when I am in a space that brings me peace, and for me, nature is the most peaceful thing. With our world becoming faster paced, more complex, and more demanding, I feel like it is important to design spaces that keep us at our best selves. I want to be able to do that for my clients by satisfying their needs and taste. My goal as a designer is to create spaces based off of what comforts my client the most so they can be their best selves. My collage depicts what comforts me the most and what helps bring out the best in me.

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